Why Should Sex Work Be Legalised?
Today, as people become more liberal in their approach to life, love and sex the great debate continues on around the world - should sex work be legalised or decriminalised?
Surprisingly still today many countries around the world still see the selling of sex for money illegal whereas some countries (such as Australia), sex work has been decriminalised in some states and still flagged as illegal in others.
While certain parameters are still in place for decriminalised cities and countries around the world, there are still restrictions impacting the ability of sex workers to maintain sustainable careers with limitations on where they can work and the services they can and cannot offer without getting into trouble.
If Sex Work was legalised we believe there would be a reduced crime rate, improved access to quality health care and services, bring people out of poverty and help young adults make sustainable and safe life choices, says Jett Black - CEO and Managing Director of Sweet Release Agency
It is argued in courts, parliament, local councils and lobby groups globally that Prostitution is a victimless crime and essentially is not hurting other people and that without pushing the sex industry underground, Sex Workers can enjoy the same protections, inclusivity and resources as the rest of the population who do not identify as Adult Businesses or Adult Entertainers.
A common point raised against Prostitution is that it is the oldest profession in the world and continues to grow despite legislation restrictions and illegalities and as long as people desire human contact, sex work will continue to exist regardless of laws that are put in place to restrict or persuade people to not partake in the adult industry.
The unfortunate thing about the sex industry not being legalised is that a lot of darkness in the industry still exists because the entire adult industry is painted with the same tarnished brush that says anyone who identifies with the Adult Industry is doing the wrong thing, says Lynette Irene - Co-Director and Industry Relationship Manager of Sweet Release Agency
Sex Workers around the world argue that the legalisation of Prostitution and related Adult Service Providers will allow for the industry to support enquiries into illegal practices such as drugs and trafficking, which are major problems which hide in the shadows of the adult industry. This would result in less crime and better protection for sex workers and people who engage them.
Brothel Managers believe that the legalisation of certain adult services and especially sex work, would introduce better education programs around the promotion of "safe sex", a reduction in STI transmissions and improve the physical and mental health of those who book escorts and those who offer adult services.
The legalisation of sex work would allow sex workers to pay tax, save money, access health services without judgement and live a better lifestyle that is more sustainable void of fear of being rejected by society and treated unequally, says Glenn Ronald - Co-Director and Operations Manager of Sweet Release Agency
As the world becomes more liberal, people become more accepting of others sexuality, sexual differences and see each other as equals regardless of gender, race, religious views or any other personal nature-vs-nurture points, the legalisation of sex work will provide for a more transparent, socially responsible and globally reduced stigma around sex, love and relationships.